Alma Opus Plasma Available in Bakersfield, CA

- treat all skin types
- improve skin tone
- even out skin texture
- reduce skin pore size
- minimize your wrinkles
- reduce sagging or loose skin
- reverse sun damage
- stimulate collagen and elastin for skin rejuvenation
- with minimal downtime.
The innovative platform combines radiofrequency (RF) energy with plasma created when the RF energy emitted from the tips of metal pins react to atmospheric pressure.
How Is the Opus Plasma Different Than The Plasma Pen?
The plasma pen was great when it first came out and was embraced with estheticians around the world. The plasma pen made it possible to remove a tiny bit of skin at a time. Combine a bunch of these bolts and we are able to tighten skin anywhere we wanted.
- each plasma bolt can be very painful
- results varied greatly depending on the skill of the provider
- also each bolt is inconsistent with the next
- it leaves a larger brown spot, which takes longer to fall off
- it takes a long time to cover a large area.
The Opus Takes the Plasma Pen Technology to the Next Level:
- each stamp delivers 200 plasma bolts evenly spaced out with consistent energy - resulting in a more even skin tone and texture than the plasma pen
- we are able to numb with a stronger topical anesthetic
- the resulting hole is smaller, resulting in a smaller scab and less down time
- treatment time is much faster
- Plasma is better tailored with depth and width to match your skin and treatment goals.
How Is the Opus Plasma Different Than Microneedling?
1. The Opus has skin resurfacing advantages over Microneedling
Microneedling resurfaces the skin by using tiny needles to damage the skin surface. This stimulates your skin to rejuvenate and make more collagen and connective tissues, but it does not physically remove the scar tissues or discolored skin. We are hoping the newer skin will overwhelm the older scarred skin, so the skin generally looks better.
The Opus takes a different approach. With each treatment, the Opus uses plasma to actively sublimate and remove 10-20% of the skin surface area permanently. This is how it is better able to remove pock marks, acne scars, keloid, hyperpigmented tones. In addition, this will tighten the skin to level out wrinkles better than microneedling.
2. The Opus has skin rejuvenation advantages over Microneedling
How Is the Opus Plasma Different Than Co2 Laser?
The CO2 Laser is a different skin resurfacing treatment that works pretty well. It does have a much longer down time because it removes a larger area of the skin surface, causing damage to blood vessels, resulting in more bleeding and bruising.
Opus Plasma removes only a fraction of the skin in the targeted area. Fractional skin resurfacing creates thousands of tiny micro-injuries to the skin while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged. The body’s natural healing response repairs these controlled wounds by producing new collagen and elastin, the building blocks of smooth, youthful-looking skin.
Opus Plasma precisely controls the time that radiofrequency energy makes contact with the skin. This minimizes unwanted inflammation that typically leads to longer recovery times.
Face and cheeks wrinkles treated with Alma Opus
Who Can Benefit From Opus Plasma Treatments?
Because we can adjust the treatment’s intensity, virtually anyone with concerns about their skin’s appearance is a good candidate for an Opus Plasma procedure. It produces results similar to an aggressive CO2 laser or a gentle laser peel, depending on the setting used. The difference with Opus Plasma is that the treatment and recovery time is minimal compared to other laser treatments.

Lower Eye Bag Wrinkle Treatment with Opus Plasma by Coastal Aesthetics
What Happens During an Opus Plasma Treatment?
We begin by applying a topical anesthetic to the target area to minimize discomfort during the session. The topical anesthetic stays on the skin for 30-60 minutes. Once the skin is numb, we glide the Opus Plasma handpiece across the skin to emit the radiofrequency and plasma energy. Once the procedure is finished, we apply a protective balm.
Patients usually notice some slight redness and swelling after the treatment, but it resolves on its own within 24 to 48 hours in most cases. More aggressive treatment settings can extend the downtime. Even though most patients see results after a single treatment, Dr. Skim recommends 3 treatment sessions for optimal results.
Upper Eyelid Lift Treatment with Opus Plasma

Forehead wrinkles and large pores treated with Alma Opus
Who is a good candidate?
Across the country we have seen anyone from their early 20s all the way to their 90s get the Opus treatment. By customizing the settings we can treat those looking for a simple “glow up” all the way to someone looking for very aggressive resurfacing. We can even focus in on typical trouble areas such as the neck, around the mouth and eyes.

Wrinkles around the mouth treated with Opus Plasma
How many treatments are required?
During your consultation your provider will assess your skin to personalize a treatment plan for you. Best results are typically seen after 3 treatments, although noticeable improvements may be seen after 1 treatment.
How long does each treatment take?
This will vary based on your personalized treatment plan recommended by your provider. For a full face resurfacing procedure we typically schedule an hour - this allows time for the application of topical anesthetic with the actual treatment taking about 15 minutes.

Hand wrinkles treated with Opus Plasma
Does it hurt?
All resurfacing treatments come with some level of discomfort. Many patients report feeling hot in the treatment area. Topical anesthetic may be used to numb the treatment area prior to the Opus treatment.

Neck loose skin and wrinkles after 2 treatments.
What is the downtime?
This will vary depending on treatment plan recommended by your provider. You may experience 24-48 hours of mild to moderate redness and swelling. Makeup may be worn after 24 hours.

Dog Bite Scar treatment with Alma Opus, courtesy of Kimberlee Smith, MSN, FNP
Tummy tuck scar treated with just 1 session with Opus. Recommend to do 3 sessions.
(661) 847-9920
Financing Available with Cherry or CareCredit