What is Vbeam®?
Vbeam® uses Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) technology to safely and effectively remove discolorations, including rosacea, sun spots, age spots, freckles, along with other vascular and pigmentation irregularities such as poikiloderma, port wine stains, facial veins and leg veins. It removes these unwanted features by distributing a powerful but gentle burst of energy. These treated areas of the skin absorb the PDL through the blood vessels or melanin pigmented areas, safely treating the condition on all skin types. Many patients have reported that they notice results almost instantly.
What can I expect during my laser treatment?
A treatment can be expected to last anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on the problem area that is being treated and the type of condition that is being treated. The provider will deliver the laser treatment in several repeated pulses. Some patients may experience some minor discomfort with each laser pulse, patients often report a tingling or warming sensation during their session, the discomfort usually resolves rapidly, but for some patients, a topical anesthetic may be used before the treatment takes place. Some patients have also reported a sensation similar to a mild sunburn once their treatment has been completed.
How many treatment sessions will I need?
The number of treatment sessions will vary from person to person, depending on the treatment they require and the condition of their skin. There are many factors that can impact the efficiency, effectiveness, and permanency of the treatments, including the severity of the condition being treated. For example, people who retrieve sun spot treatments may notice that their sun spots may return if they continue to spend time in the sun without any protection.
How should I prepare before my treatment and what precautions should I take after?
The skin should be clean and thoroughly cleansed. Any lotions, oils, self-tanning products, makeup, or topical anesthetics have to be removed prior to treatment. Avoid any sun exposure or tanning booth light before AND after treatment. A SPF 30 or higher sunscreen should be worn every day during this time. Further post treatment depends on the patient and the condition being treated.
Are there any side effects to using Vbeam®? Is it safe?
Pulsed Dye Laser Technology has been in the industry since the 1980s for the treatment of port wine stains in pediatric patients. During the treatment, your skin receives further protection through the patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD™), which delivers a cooling burst of cryogen before the laser pulse is administered to the skin. The DCD enhances a patient’s comfort during their session and lessens the side effects such as redness. Some redness may still occur but it typically goes away within a few hours. At times, a laser bruise called purpura may occur but this typically resolves in 5-7 days.