Lipo-B Injections (8x)


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Save 60% and Maximize Your Lipo-B Metabolic Booster Injections! You are purchasing a package of 8 injections, which can be given 2x per week at Allure Aesthetics. Save an additional 15% by choosing the subscription plan. All the vitamins that enhance burning that stubborn abdominal fat in one injection.  They...

Save 60% and Maximize Your Lipo-B Metabolic Booster Injections!

You are purchasing a package of 8 injections, which can be given 2x per week at Allure Aesthetics.

Save an additional 15% by choosing the subscription plan.

All the vitamins that enhance burning that stubborn abdominal fat in one injection.  They increase your metabolism to help slim down the waistline. Best used in conjunction with a diet and exercise regimen. Contents included:

  1. Methionine (55mg) - This is an amino acid that helps synthesize proteins. Without enough methionine, individuals can experience problems such as fatty liver or edema. It is also able to deactivate excess estrogen. Too much estrogen can inhibit bile flow through the liver. 
  2. Inositol (50mg) - A liver health booster, inositol helps clean the liver of unwanted buildup. It also helps transport fat stored so that body tissues can use it for energy instead. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  3. Choline (50mg) - This essential nutrient has vitamin-like properties. Like methionine, it is able to improve liver health and it may be able to reduce fatty liver buildup.
  4. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) for an energy boost to enhance your exercise regimen.  It also reduces mental stress.

Once you ordered, please call our office at (661) 847-9920 to book your appointment to get your first injection.